How to be charisma is simple: you must develop the core soft skills of charisma, which include telling captivating stories, developing positive body language, communicating effectively, building rapport, speaking with confidence, creating meaningful connections, and holding dazzling conversations. The trick of how to be charisma is to make it look authentic and natural, not forced or scripted. If you want to develop your genuine charisma, then book a discovery call with a charisma coach who can help you get more opportunities, build your confidence when speaking, and enhance your deep and meaningful connections.
The Formula: How to Be Charisma
There is a science to improving your charisma. Psychological studies have been carried out to understand charisma. You just need to understand this simple formula:

Confidence + Communication + Presence + Warmth = Charisma
Let’s break down this formula:
Confidence – When I ask people, “What is charisma?” the number one response is “confidence.” Charismatic people display confidence both internally and externally. People who are confident are seen as more intellectual, more powerful, and more attractive.
Communication – It may be obvious, but how you speak to others, create connections, and handle conversations all impacts how you be charisma. Speaking in an emotional way is an art form. Usually, people I work with are very logical and rational, and their communication reflects that. Storytelling, asking great questions, and listening can all help you become a better communicator.
Presence – Next time you watch a TED Talk, look at the speaker’s posture, body language, and dress sense. Evaluate their presence, and do the same with yourself. Are you holding eye contact, smiling, or using hand gestures to create a powerful presence?
Warmth – Developing warmth can be a little tricky, but genuinely charismatic people empathize with others and show that they care. This can be done through active listening, mirroring body language, and summarizing what the other person just said back to them. People want to feel heard, and great charismatic leaders do this.
Developing charm is a process. You don’t just listen to a podcast or watch a YouTube video and suddenly become charismatic. It takes weeks, months, and years to develop positive habits so that you can turn on your charm. Charisma coaching can help you develop these soft skills through video analysis, activities, and open floor discussions. Book your discovery call with a charisma coach below:
What Is Charisma Exactly?
Charisma is one of those qualities that we find hard to describe. We can tell when someone has it and when they don’t. Charisma is a range of soft skills that, when applied, create that charismatic effect. Some of the soft skills include:
- First impressions
- Body language
- Confidence
- Emotional intelligence
- Conversation skills
- Storytelling
- Communication
- Influencing & persuading
- Leadership
I created a short video explaining exactly what charisma is. Have a look below:
Why Charisma Matters Now More Than Ever!
Charisma is one of the most overlooked skills when it comes to personal development. The truth is, in a perfect world, the most qualified, most skilled, or most experienced person would get ahead. The reality is this very rarely happens. People who lack experience get promoted, people who are not qualified get the bonus, and people who have the skills never get the opportunity.
A study by the Carnegie Foundation found that 85% of your financial success is not due to your technical skills but rather your strong soft skills, such as:
- Negotiating a deal
- Presenting and pitching
- Networking
- Building rapport
- Creating connections
- Public speaking
- Leadership
In a world increasingly dominated by technology and AI, people are losing sight of these essential skills. The real winners of tomorrow will be those who can develop their own brand of charisma.
Common Charisma Mistakes
When you are learning how to be charisma, there are some common mistakes that everyone makes. It’s important to identify these so that you can avoid them and increase your levels of charisma. These include:
Center of Attention – Some people believe that charisma means being the center of attention, making everyone laugh, and being the star of the show. This is simply not true. Your role as a charismatic person is to make others feel like a million bucks. Ask them good questions and listen, instead of just telling everyone your epic stories.
Arrogance – At what point does confidence become arrogance? There’s nothing wrong with being quietly confident, but some people on their charisma journey fall into the trap of arrogance. Keeping yourself grounded and focusing on the other person is essential to building positive charisma.
Lack of Authenticity – You may feel like you have to ‘fake it until you make it.’ This is terrible advice, as the main pillar of charisma is authenticity. Do not give false compliments or fake smiles; people see right through it, and it will decrease your levels of charisma.
The Hidden Ingredient: Emotional Intelligence
One added element to how to be charisma is the importance of emotional intelligence in the process. Being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and show empathy is crucial when you want to connect with or influence someone. Think of politicians—they have to gauge the public’s emotions, see how their decisions affect others, and create speeches that resonate emotionally. Have a look at TRUMP using emotion in his speech:
Unlock Your Charisma Today
If you want to learn how to be charisma and work with a charisma coach who can enhance your soft skills through video analysis, activities, and open floor discussions, then book a discovery call. Charisma coaching can help you become more confident in conversations, get more opportunities, increase your charismatic leadership, and create meaningful connections. Book your discovery call below: