It has been long debated if charisma is good or evil, and the answer is that it can be both. Charisma can be used to make positive changes, but likewise, it can be used with malicious intent. You have to see charisma as a tool, and that tool can be used to craft glorious artwork or, in the wrong hands, it can smash a sculpture to pieces. If you are ready to work with a charisma coach then book your discovery call below:
The Reputation of Charisma
The reason people ask “Is Charisma Good or Evil” is because of how charisma is portrayed in the media. When we watch political debates, the more charismatic or persuasive politician will be described as using charisma to pull the wool over the eyes of his audience. However, when you are watching James Bond smooth-talk his way out of danger, people will be quick to acknowledge that this is romantic and heroic. Charisma is just a skill and, therefore, it is the morals of the individual who control how that skill is being used. I have been on several podcasts, and I describe charisma in the following way:
“Charisma is like power, money, and science. Billionaires can use their money to give to charity or pay media to give them praise when it’s undeserved. Scientific facts and data can shine a light on serious problems, but can also add to malicious agendas. Power can contribute to real change but also destruction. Who wields the sword of charisma decides whether it will slay the dragon or cut the heads of its comrades.”
Sebastian – Art of Charisma
The Dark Side of Charisma

Throughout history, we have certainly seen the dark side of charisma, from cult leaders and dictators to egotistical office managers and sleazy salesmen. Here are a few things to look out for when someone is trying to use charisma for evil:
- Inauthenticity – Humans are really good lie detectors. A charismatic person will genuinely use their soft skills. If you get the feeling that the person is inauthentic, then that is a red flag that they are using the techniques for malicious gain.
- Manipulation – If you feel like you are being coerced into doing something that does not align with your values, then you could be manipulated. There is a fine line between persuasion, influencing, and manipulating. You have to see the signs and act accordingly.
- Controlling – Charisma is not about controlling someone; however, the techniques are very similar. Asking yourself why the person is doing this and evaluating how you feel about their intentions will help you decide if this person is charismatic with positive intentions or an evil controller.
Developing Charisma Responsibly
As mentioned, the debate of ‘Is charisma good or evil?’ comes down to the individual who is using the skills of influence and what their motives are. At Art of Charisma, we want you to develop charisma genuinely and authentically, which includes building relationships positively. Here are a few key components of developing ‘good’ charisma responsibly:
- Trust and Integrity – Building relationships with trust and integrity is a key element of charisma.
- Personal Connections – Taking time to get to know other people on a personal level will not only enhance the relationship but will help create long, sustainable connections.
- Reciprocity and Support – One of the true characteristics you will need to develop charisma is being able to give to others without the expectation of receiving something and being there to support them.
The Positive Impact of Charisma

It’s fair to say that charisma has changed the world. We have seen revolutions take place, citizens inspired, teams motivated to create innovative products, and people getting their dream job. All of this has been achieved because someone had a charisma that was able to inspire, influence, and motivate an audience.
Martin Luther King Jr. – Rallied the African-American people with his famous charismatic speech “I Have a Dream.”
Barack Obama – Became the first black president and inspired all Americans to vote for him.
Nelson Mandela – Influenced and persuaded his captors to free him and eventually became the president of South Africa.
Muhammad Ali – The sweet-talking boxer became famous for his charismatic trash-talking.
Why You Should Use Charisma
The biggest problem I see when working with clients as a charisma coach is that they believe that if they knuckle down and do a good job, they will be rewarded. In a perfect world, that would be the case. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world. Every day, some people are underqualified but get the opportunities you deserve, romantic connections overlook you as a potential partner, and you are seen as a ‘shy’ person. The truth is the relationships you have with others impact the quality of your life. By using charisma, you can have deeper connections with others, be seen as a confident and charismatic leader, get more opportunities, and be seen as more attractive. You should use your charisma to develop the quality of life that you want to live.
Charismatic Leadership

One of the most common places you see charisma is in the area of leadership. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs—I could go on. They used their charisma to inspire their team, keep them motivated, and create an army of followers to listen to every word they say. Charismatic leadership is based on a handful of principles:
- Building rapport with staff
- Creating a compelling vision
- Using rhetoric (persuasive speaking)
- Engaging their staff
- Understanding what makes their team ‘tick’
- Storytelling to pitch ideas
- Charismatic body language
Traits of ‘Good’ Charisma

Charisma can sometimes be seen as an abstract concept; however, you have to understand that charisma is just a range of soft skills that, when used, create this concept of charisma in a person. Let’s look at some of the key components of positive charisma:
- Active listening
- Storytelling
- Building rapport
- Creating a good first impression
- Showcasing leadership
- Speaking with confidence
- Maintaining deep conversations
- Persuasive language
Is Charisma Good or Evil?
Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to the question, “Is charisma good or evil?” Throughout history, there have been some very evil people who have used their charisma to manipulate or control others in order to have some personal gain. Likewise, there have been figures that have created a positive change in the world by using their charisma. If you want to become more memorable, get more opportunities, be more confident, and influence others, then I encourage you to use the skill of charisma in an authentic and genuine manner. This will have a much more powerful effect than using a few sleazy techniques.
Next Steps
If you are looking to develop the key componants of charisma So that you can increase your level of influence then look to charisma coaching to help. Book your free discovery call to learn how charisma coaching can help you below: